The Concert for College at Long Island City High School
Your child’s NYC Scholarship Account has received a deposit of $18.86 from The Concert for College 2019, hosted by Center of Hope International and Community Church of Astoria. The Concert for College “Community Scholarship” deposit is an example of how our entire community is coming together to save for students’ futures through the Save for College Program.
Log back into your Savings Tracker to see this deposit. You can find it in the “Scholarship Account” tab under “Your College Savings Accounts.” You will see a graph showing the balance of your child’s account.
The $18.86 has been added on top of the first $100 deposit from NYC Kids RISE and the rewards for completing all three Building Blocks, also from NYC Kids RISE.
What’s Next?:
- Keep saving and visit for savings tips.
- Earn a Savings Match on the next $100 you and your family save, starting when your child is in first grade. Learn more at
- Remind your friends to complete the 3 Building Blocks. You can even show them how to do it, or tell them to call us at 833-KID-RISE (833-543-7473).
- Earn more rewards. Look out for more information from us about other rewards in the future.
Remember, these 3 Building Blocks are just the beginning. We will continue to partner with your family and the entire community over many years to increase your child’s college savings and support your dreams for your child.
Together, we’re taking small steps to big college dreams!
Your Partners at NYC Kids RISE