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Active y Vea la Cuenta de Beca NYC de su hijo/a con el Distrito 14 (En Español)

May 13, 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Únase al Distrito 14 para Activar y Ver la Cuenta de Beca NYC de su hijo/a (En Espanol)

Todas las familias de Kindergarten, Primer Grado, y Segundo Grado en el Programa de Ahorro para la Universidad de NYC Kids RISE ya pueden activar y ver la Cuenta de Beca NYC gratuita de su hijo/a con $100 iniciales para la universidad y capacitación profesional.

En este taller, copresentado con el Distrito 14, nuestro equipo trabajará con usted para activar y ver la Cuenta de Beca NYC de su hijo/a para que reciba su primera recompensa de $25!

Asegúrese de conseguir el Número de ID de Estudiante (Número OSIS) de nueve dígitos de su hijo/a antes del taller para que pueda activar la cuenta de su hijo/a. Para conseguir este número, revise la boleta de calificaciones de su hijo/a, pídalo en su escuela, o ingrese a su Cuenta NYC Schools en


May 13
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Event Category:


About this calendar
  • – This calendar does not include training or professional development workshops for school staff or community stakeholders.
  • – Workshops are added to the calendar as they become available.
  • – Workshops allow participants to ask questions directly to presenters and be referred to NYC Kids RISE staff members for individual support.
  • – For support with finding the right event for you, contact us via email or phone.
  • – Recorded versions of past workshops are available on our YouTube channel.
Which workshop should you attend?

Save for College Information Session

This information session introduces parents and guardians to the NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program, including who is eligible to participate, how the Program works, and how parents or guardians can take foundational steps (Building Blocks) to earn rewards for their child’s college and career training.

Activate and View Your Child’s NYC Scholarship Account

Is your family ready to take the first foundational step in the Save for College Program? At this workshop, parents and guardians will learn how to activate and view their child’s NYC Scholarship Account (Building Block 1). Families will also learn about the other foundational steps of the Program (Building Block 2 and 3).

Choose the Right College and Career Savings Account

How can parents and guardians build on the money invested in their child’s NYC Scholarship Account? Join this workshop to learn about the college and career saving account options available for your child through the Save for College Program. Opening and connecting a savings account to your child’s NYC Scholarship Account is the second foundational step in the Program (Building Block 2).

Meet the College and Career Savings Experts

Are you looking for more information on how to save for your child’s college and career training? This interactive panel discussion will explain the college and career savings account options available through the Save for College Program. A financial counselor will provide tips and answer questions about how families can save.

My Kid is Going to College

How can parents and guardians plan ahead for their child’s college and career journey? This interactive workshop will introduce families to different types of college and career training, the cost of higher education, and available resources. Participants will learn how the Save for College Program fits into their child’s educational future and will be encouraged to share their own stories and experiences in order to learn from one another.

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