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与第 15 学区和第 20 学区,激活并查看您孩子的 NYC 奖学金账户(中文专场)
May 22, 8:45 am - 10:00 am
加入第 15 学区和第 20 学区,激活并查看您孩子的 NYC 奖学金账户(中文专场)
参与 NYC Kids RISE 大学储蓄计划的所有幼儿园、一年级和二年级学生的家庭们现在可以激活并查看孩子的免费 NYC 奖学金账户,内有可用于支付孩子未来的大学教育和职业进修的100美元初始资金。
在本次与第 15 学区和第 20 学区共同主办的研讨会中,我们团队将教您如何激活并查看您孩子的 NYC 奖学金账户、让您获取第一笔 25 美元的奖励!
在参加研讨会之前,请准备好您孩子的九位数学生证号码(OSIS 号),好激活您孩子的帐户。 您可以在孩子的成绩单上找到该号码,也可以咨询学校,或者访问 schoolsaccount.nyc 并登录您的纽约市学校帐户 (NYC Schools Account) 查看。
Activate and View Your Child’s NYC Scholarship Account with District 15 and District 20 (In Mandarin)
Join District 15 and District 20 to Activate and View Your Child’s NYC Scholarship Account (In Mandarin)
All kindergarten, first grade, and second grade families in the NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program can now activate and view their children’s free NYC Scholarship Accounts with an initial $100 for college and career training.
In this workshop, co-hosted with District 15 and District 20, our team will work with you to activate and view your child’s NYC Scholarship Account so you can receive your first $25 reward!
Make sure to get your child’s nine-digit Student ID Number (OSIS number) before the workshop so that you can activate your child’s account. To find this number, look at your child’s report card, ask your school, or log onto your NYC Schools Account at schoolsaccount.nyc.