
Tomorrow at 6pm: Resources for Parents and Students to Manage Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tomorrow at 6pm: Resources for Parents and Students to Manage Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dear Parents and Families in the Save for College Community,


We hope that your summer is off to a healthy and safe start. We know there’s a lot to continue to manage including deciding what is best for your child and your family ahead of the 2020-21 school year. Click here to access the latest Return to School 2020 information for NYC Department of Education (DOE) families. In addition, Community School District 30 schools will continue to host information sessions about their planning efforts. See the Return to School section later in this email for more details. 


We recognize that the COVID-19 Pandemic is impacting each of us and our families in different ways. Scroll down for several timely resources that may be useful including State rent relief (deadline is July 30) and city resources as well as information on the $420 food resource for every NYC public school student (see details below).  


Finally, tomorrow at 6PM, please join us for our Town Hall: Resources for Parents and Students to Manage Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 


With best wishes to you and your family,


Debra-Ellen and the NYC Kids RISE Team


COVID Rent Relief Program –  New York State is offering rent relief for some households. To qualify, your household must earn less than 80% of the area median income, spend over 30% of monthly income on rent, and must have lost income during the COVID-19 pandemic. You must apply before Thursday, July 30th. More information is available at the following links:

If you would like assistance with the application, you can book an appointment with Neighborhood Housing Services of Queens on this link or click here contact the New York Legal Assistance Group – NYLAG Hotline.

New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) – NYCHA has simplified its Rent Hardship Policy to make it easier than ever for you to reduce your rent during the COVID-19 crisis. You can access frequently asked questions here for more information. You may also contact NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center (CCC) at 718-707-7771 (and select menu option 5 when prompted).

Emergency Cash Assistance – This can aid with helping pay for rent or mortgage you owe, utilities, burial allowance, and other needs. 

Money for Food (Pandemic EBT) – Every NYC public school student will receive $420 in P-EBT benefits that can be used to purchase food. You will receive this benefit automatically, there is no need to apply or sign up. If you are enrolled in SNAP or Medicaid, the money will be loaded onto your existing benefits card. SNAP families should have received the $420 in two payments, one in May and one in June. Medicaid families will receive one $420 payment this month with instructions mailed. All other families will receive a card in the mail containing their P-EBT benefits, beginning in late July/early August.  For more information on P-EBT:



The latest 2020-21 school year information for the NYC Department of Education (DOE) schools  schools is available at

  • Current plans for September involve a blended learning model, in which students spend some time attending school with additional social distancing and cleaning requirements, and some time learning remotely from home. Contact your school parent coordinator for any school specific details. 
  • Every family has the option to learn 100% remotely if they prefer. If you haven’t already, you should complete the Learning Preference Survey by Friday, August 7th in order to help the DOE plan for the fall. If you do not complete the survey, your child will be included in plans for in-person blended learning at their school, however you may choose to switch to 100% remote learning at any time. 

Charter school families should contact their school directly to discuss remote learning options. Here are the phone numbers and links to pages where information was shared: 

Tune in Thursday at 6pm ET

During this town hall, we will share everyday activities for families to manage mental health during this pandemic. Panel will also share how to create systems of support around times of stress and loss, and the resources available to families and students during these times. We will also invite our Save for College Program community to share what has helped them cope during the pandemic.


  • Lina Acosta Sandaal, MA, LMFT, Owner/Founder of Stop Parenting Alone
  • Rebecca Honig, Director of Content and Curriculum for Ready4K
  • Igda Martinez, PsyD, Director of Behavioral Health, The Floating Hospital
  • Ebony Young, Former Executive Director, LIC YMCA, Mom, Community Builder

Moderated by Carolina Valencia, Director of Communications and Digital at NYC Kids RISE.


You can watch live and ask questions via the NYC Kids RISE Facebook page. You can also watch via our YouTube channel.

Request a Topic or Resource

What topics would you like us to cover in our town halls and what resources would you like featured on our platforms? Tell us here.

Your Child’s NYC Scholarship Account

Have you seen your child’s scholarship funds for their educational future?
Your child is one of more than 10,000 students that has an NYC Scholarship Account already with funds for their college and career education. Now, all you need to do, if you haven’t already, is go in and see these funds by activating your child’s NYC Scholarship Account, which has an initial deposit of $100.
Just for activating your child’s NYC Scholarship account today, you will earn up to $25 more in rewards for their future. You can click here to get started. If you would like assistance activating your child’s account, call 833-543-7473 or email [email protected].

In Case You Missed It

During this town hall, we shared an overview of the NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program – the scholarship and savings components, how students are enrolled, and what students automatically receive. We also shared the importance of completing the program’s Building Blocks as a way to support children’s future especially during these unprecedented times. If you missed it, click here to watch. The first part is English and the second part is in Spanish.

Save for College Program Flashback

We miss seeing your family! So let’s walk down memory lane of our Family and Community Save for College Program dinners.

Did you fill out the Census?

Every New Yorker Counts. Filling out the Census is important for getting money into our community for schools, jobs, hospitals, and more.

Fill it out now at:

There are NO questions about immigration or citizenship. Your information is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone–not law enforcement, not the government, not your landlord.

Community Scholarship for the Children of Astoria Houses

Astoria Houses Tenants Organization Launches Community Scholarship Fundraising Effort for Students in Astoria Houses
The Astoria Houses Tenants Organization has launched a fundraising effort to raise $1,000 for each of the 134 students enrolled in the Save for College Program living in Astoria Houses. Claudia Coger, President of the Astoria Houses Tenants Organization, writes: “This is not only a real financial foundation that our children can rely on in 10+ years when they graduate from high school and set off on their career path. It is also sending them a message TODAY that their community believes in them and knows they can succeed. With all the fear and pain our children are living through right now, that message is in some ways more important than ever.” Read more from Claudia Coger on investing in the future of the children of Astoria Houses.
Also, if you are interested in launching your own Community Scholarship campaign, please reach out to us. We would be happy to work with you.

NYC Kids RISE Resources

Need support with setting up your child’s remote learning or information about resources in your neighborhood? Our team can help. Call (833) 543-7473 or Email [email protected]

  • Your child’s accounts – We continue to be available by phone and email to support you with your family’s scholarship and savings accounts. Please contact us for support with completing the 3 Building Blocks or other support with your accounts. We are invested for the long term in your child’s college and career training future.
  • Remote Learning Support – Need support with setting up your child’s remote learning or information about resources in your neighborhood? Our team can help. Call (833) 543-7473 or email [email protected]

Important Resources Across the Community

These are just some of the resources available from schools, community-based organizations, the City and State government, and other local partners. We are keeping an updated list on our blog at


City and State Elected Officials

Click here to contact your city and state elected officials who represent the School District 30 community. Their offices are sharing important resources and updates, and they can connect you to other resources.


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